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Parisian Flan(French Custard Pie)

Writer's picture: Rena ChouRena Chou

Updated: May 28, 2019

Parisianc Flanng or Egg Tart ?

What Makes My Mouthwatering ?

Parisian Flan is a French custard tart also known as Flan pâtissier which is also popular in France, you can find them in most patisserie shops. This french custard tart is similar to the egg tart we know, The delicious dessert is filled with simple, vanilla infused cream and eggs.

The sweet dough I baked first 20 minutes and then fill in all the custard to bake for more 20mins.

When it was baking in oven, the aroma from vanilla cream just get my mouth watering.

hungry? you need a slice of Parisian Flan.


500 ml Milk

125 ml Pure Cream

100 grams Egg yolks

1 vanilla pod ( vanilla paste. )

120 grams caster sugar

50 grams cornstarch


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